What sets an innovator apart from all others is his/her ability to apply simple knowledge to build something Big. This is exactly the theme of The Algorists' Big Idea Coding Competition. Showcase how your young mind can make use of concepts that you have learned in school to build something cool. For this years' summer coding competition we will focus on the innovative real-world applications of common Algorithms and Data Structures that you learn as part of your curriculum.

The Algorists' Big Idea Coding Competition is a Career Development Event. It is geared towards giving you a platform to showcase your creativity, critical thinking and technical skills to your future employers and to the world. Leverage your Summer Break to work on a cool project so that you can showcase that in your upcoming Fall and Spring Career Fair and boost your resume to land your next internship or full time opportunity. So what's your Big Idea?

Eligibility to participate:

  • Any full time student above the age of 18 years is eligible to participate in this coding competition unless your local law prohibits.


Build a real-world project by identifying one or more real-world applications of well-known algorithms and data structures. All kinds of projects will be accepted: game development projects, web apps, mobile apps, desktop apps, console apps, hardware projects, you name it.

Common algorithms and data structures are those which are commonly found in textbooks like "CLRS" ("Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein). If you need inspirations about some commonly used data structures and algorithms, feel free to visit The Algorist.


You would need to submit below deliverables:

  • GitHub Link: (required)
    Upload the source code of your project on GitHub and share the link with us. In case you choose not to use GitHub, feel free to use any alternative of your preference.

  • Project Report (PDF or video): (required)
    Create a video giving a detailed demo of your project end-to-end, and send us the link to the video.
    You could also create a downloadable PDF document describing everything about your project in details: technical aspects as well as non-technical. Highlight all the useful features you have built and how you have leveraged well-known algorithms and data structures.

    If you have gone the extra mile and have actually launched your project, for example: live website, published app on Google Play Store and/or Apple App Store and so on, you will get extra credit.

How to submit your deliverables ?

Send links to all your deliverables to bigidea@thealgorists.com.

Important Dates:

  • Registration:
    Registration for Summer 2022 Big Idea Coding Competition is open till June 1, 2022.

  • Deadline for Final Submission:
    Submission of your final project deliverables is due on August 30, 2022 at 11:59PM Pacific Standard Time.

  • Result:
    We will get in touch with the winners by email on or before October 30, 2022.


Have a question ? Email to bigidea@thealgorists.com.

Registration Form:
